Don't get hooked by phishers. Think before you click.


Phishing is a type of cyber attack that targets users by tricking them into disclosing personal information and passwords to criminals, most commonly via emails. It is believed that phishing alone costs $10 billion annually in damages and losses; with plenty of research going on behind phishers, it can be assumed this figure will continue rising in upcoming years.

Figuring out a scam email is really tough for untrained users as the hacker makes it look like a genuine one. We at Adviacent have developed a proper phishing simulation model, specially designed to train employees in spotting phishing scams and preventing data breaches.

A simulated attack is designed to test employees' control of information security systems and directly improve their ability to protect your organization from a successful real-world attack. We offer a completely customizable and affordable phishing detection program that allows you to train your employees to identify targeted phishing attacks.

The reality is that phishing attacks are on the rise. They're easy to execute and they affect everyone, regardless of position. Protecting yourself, your coworkers, and the company as a whole is more important than ever before. Let's talk about what to do.

  • Train your employees to report to their IT or Help Desk department if they get any suspicious email.
  • If there is an attack, make sure you know all of your follow-up steps, and that you and your staff are supported in taking the appropriate actions to prevent further attacks.
  • Training is an ongoing process, not a one-time event. Our training can involve both structured and on-the-fly situations for learning, but it should never be too technical.
  • Any employee who unintentionally clicks on a phishing link must go through a test and additional training on email phishing.

How Adviacent Can Help

Your security awareness training needs to be flexible enough to meet the demands of a dynamic workforce. Adviacent's simulated phishing attack training provides relevant lessons and helps users defeat next-generation threats, stay up-to-date with industry/compliance updates.

Want to learn more about Phishing Simulations? We'd be happy to answer your questions!

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